To see prices or to buy or just to see the availability please visit the pictures of my facebook fan page (yo do not need to be registered although I would appreciatte very much if you become a fan). Thanks!
To see prices or to buy or just to see the availability please visit the pictures of my facebook fan page (yo do not need to be registered although I would appreciatte very much if you become a fan)
Kireei es un blog donde se muestran y comparten cosas bellas que se encuentran en la red, con contenidos diversos relacionados con decoración, cocina, vida sana y sostenible, niños, fotografía, manualidades, arte, cultura y tiempo libre que pueden tanto inspirar como dar soluciones prácticas Hoy a publicado una entrada sobre mi trabajo en miniaturas y en bisutería de arcilla polimérica, podéis verlo aquí; Estoy super feliz y agradecida :)
To see prices or to buy or just to see the availability please visit the pictures of my facebook fan page (yo do not need to be registered although I would appreciatte very much if you become a fan)