El blog tiene 396 seguidores así que cuando llegue a los 400 habrá SORTEO!!! o mejor dicho DOS SORTEOS....habrá uno de miniaturas y un collar para los seguidores de este blog, mi blog de collares...
Pronto os enseñaré los regalos :)
Os podréis si queréis apuntar a los dos ¿os apetece? Eso sí tendréis que ayudarme a contarselo al mundo a través de vuetros blogs y ser seguidor del blog al que optais al sorteo.
Mil gracias por todo.
Un beso grande.
Today my Main blog about miniatures turn 2 years and I am still surprised like the first day for all the good things that I have achieved. Thanks for all your comments, for the gifts, for your friendship and for being there.
Now the blog has 396 followers so when it arrives to 400, it will be a GIVEAWAY!!!! Or better I have to say TWO GIVEAWAYS...one with miniatures and the other one of my necklaces for the followers of this blog, my jewlery blog. Of course if you want you can take part of both.
Soon the details.
Do you like it?
Just two rules: be a blog follower in every giveaway, so if you want to take in part in both you have to follow both blogs. Or just one at your election :)
And I will need your help to spread the giveaways to the world though your blogs.
Thank you so much,
A big beso (a kiss in Spanish)
estaré atenta, porque me encantan tus broches.